AI > LLM > llama.cpp

Using java-llama.cpp to Generate Text with Local LLM

Created on Mon Nov 20 2023 • Last Updated on Mon Nov 20 2023N/A Views

🏷️ Java | llama.cpp | Machine Learning | MPS


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I tried llama-cpp-python in this article, but this time I will try the Java binding of llama.cpp.

Add the following dependency library:


Write the following code:

package org.example;

import de.kherud.llama.InferenceParameters;
import de.kherud.llama.LlamaModel;
import de.kherud.llama.ModelParameters;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        ModelParameters modelParams = new ModelParameters.Builder()
        InferenceParameters inferParams = new InferenceParameters.Builder()
        try (LlamaModel model = new LlamaModel("/opt/models/mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf", modelParams)) {
            Iterable<LlamaModel.Output> outputs = model.generate("""
                    Tell me a joke.
                    """, inferParams);
            for (LlamaModel.Output output : outputs) {


$ mvn -q compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.example.Main 2> /dev/null
Extracted 'ggml-metal.metal' to '/var/folders/6p/vxhp1wpj2mq5w8drct9k8t4w0000gq/T/ggml-metal.metal'
Extracted 'libllama.dylib' to '/var/folders/6p/vxhp1wpj2mq5w8drct9k8t4w0000gq/T/libllama.dylib'
Extracted 'libjllama.dylib' to '/var/folders/6p/vxhp1wpj2mq5w8drct9k8t4w0000gq/T/libjllama.dylib'

Why don't scientists trust atoms? 
Because they make up everything!% 

It seems to be getting easier to incorporate local LLM into Java applications.

Found a mistake? Update the entry.